Monday, January 20, 2014

January News

I recently completed an international residency in Cusco Peru at the Escuela Superior Autónoma de Bellas Artes. Living and working in another country was a challenge on many levels. Dealing with a language barrier, different electrical circuits for my power tools, foreign types of wood, and different chemicals and chemistry for products I rely on to finish my work was not easy. But it forced me to try new materials and techniques, and it pushed my work in a different direction, which in the end is what residencies are all about.

Puma Senorita, 36" tall, loro wood and ink, 2014 by Donna Dodson 

Nora Valdez is an internationally exhibited artist. She has organized many sculpture symposia. When we said we wanted to go and work in Peru to make new work with the other artists in the show, she had the idea to secure the ateliers at the art school in Cusco for our use, since the students would be on vacation while we were there. In Cusco, we had the honor of meeting the Director, Professor Carlos Larrea Garcia, who welcomed us into residence at his school. We had many adventures together getting wood and tools to use.

Puma Senorita, detail 

Side by side with artists from the Boston Sculptors Gallery and artists from Peru, I made new work in preparation for our upcoming group show at the MUSEO Convento de Santo Domingo QORIKANCHA in February 2014 called Visions/Visiones that will be curated by Nora Valdez. In addition to the new work I made in residence, I brought recent work with me to exhibit, Condorita, that I showed in the Nesto Gallery at Milton Academy this fall, for our preview exhibition, Connections/ Conexiónes.

Condorita, 23" tall, walnut 2013 by Donna Dodson 

While in Cusco, we were fortunate to meet Mabel Allain, the new curator at the Qorikancha Museum. She has ambitious plans for the permanent collection and exhibition schedule and will bring new energy to the upcoming program of artists they are exhibiting in 2014. We also met the former curator of the Qorikancha Museum, Vera Tyuneleva, who recently completed her PhD in history at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. She is currently a docent and professor at the University San Ignacio de Loyola- Cusco Extension. In addition, we were pleased to meet Manolo Chavez, one of the best professional photographers in Cusco who will be helping us with the images for the forthcoming catalog for Visions/Visiones.

Condorita, detail 

The show, Visions/Visiones will open February 1st and remain on view through March 31, 2014. The show will feature artwork by the following artists from the Boston Sculptors Gallery: Caroline Bagenal, Kim Bernard, Murray Dewart, Donna Dodson, Rosalyn Driscoll, Laura Evans, Peter DeCamp Haines, 
Michelle Lougee, Nancy Winship Milliken, Andy Moerlein, Nancy Selvage, Liz Shepherd, Jessica Straus, Nora Valdez, Hannah Verlin and Joseph Wheelwright. These Boston sculptors will show alongside many notable Peruvian artists such as: Ronald Alvan, Pablo Yactayo, Jacob Sulca, Persi Narvaez, Ivan Tovar, Victor Zuniga, Luis Angulo y Gianfranco Yovera, Carlos Bardales and Xavier Cano.

Update: Weekend, picked up the story, 25 sculptors gather convent of Santo Domingo Qorikancha on January 23, 2014. Lima Gris picked up the story, CUSCO: 25 international sculptors IN QORIKANCHA on January 23, 2014. La Primera Peru picked up the story, Sculptors from the United States and Peru share experiences in Cusco on January 25, 2014. Prensarte picked up the story, Peruvian and American sculptors presented at the Convent of Santo Domingo, Koricancha on February 1, 2014.

Pumita, watercolor and pencil on paper, 9"x12" 2014 by Donna Dodson 

In addition to working in wood, and creating new work for Visions/Visiones, I was also busy preparing studies in pencil and watercolor for a show that will run concurrently with our show at Qorikancha. Transcripts/Transcripciones will be curated by Jose Luis Morales Sierra and will feature drawings and works on paper by the following members of the Boston Sculptors Gallery: Caroline Bagenal, Kim Bernard, Murray Dewart, Donna Dodson, Rosalyn Driscoll, Laura Evans, Andy Moerlein, Nancy Selvage, Nora Valdez, Hannah Verlin and Joseph Wheelwright. This show of drawing and visual design will also feature work by the following distinguished Peruvian artists: Jacob Sulca , Ronald Alvan , Ivan Tovar , Luis Angulo, Gianfranco Yovera, Pablo Yactayo, Persi Narvaez, Victor Zuniga, Roger Bellido, Pachacutec Huaman, Marcial Ayala, and Jose Luis Morales. It opens to the public on Jan 31, 2014 at ICPNAC (Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano del Cusco) and runs through Feb 28, 2014. 

Condora, colored pencil on rice paper, 9"x12" 2014 by Donna Dodson  

Closer to home, I am exhibiting some new wood sculptures in the windows at the Boston Sculptors Gallery from January 20th to April 26th 2014. The gallery is located at 486 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02118.

Mama Duck, 18" tall, mulberry wood & paint, 2013
Wistful for the carefree life that she used to have but wilfully wrapped up in her children’s lives as much as her husband’s. She is the epitome of motherhood, and yet, she still finds time to look and feel elegant. If she is trapped, it is by her own standards of perfection that she has embraced.

Prodigal Daughter, 2012, 18" tall mulberry wood & paint
An extraordinary woman- ready to take the blame for stepping out of the flock to discover herself first. For that she is rewarded with all of the family blessings by a family who treasures her as a champion that lives among them with such wisdom in her wings.

Diva, 12" tall, mulberry wood 2013 by Donna Dodson 
She can hit the highest notes in her arias and shake the opera house with her mighty voice. She is a Diva in her viking helmet sporting cow horns and two long blond braids, with concentric breast plates of armor.

Save the following dates for my partner Andy Moerlein's upcoming show at the Boston Sculptors Gallery: Demise, Pondering the Unthinkable 
February 5 – March 9, 2014
Opening reception: Friday February 7, 5 – 8 p.m.
Artist Talk: Sunday, February 9, noon.
Tea and Cake performance event: March 1, 3 - 5:30 p.m.
Closing Reception: Friday March 7, 5 – 8 p.m.
Gallery hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 – 6 p.m.

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