Thursday, March 21, 2013

International Art Residencies

ATOA Critical Dialogues in the Visual Arts
Friday April 5th 2013, 6:30p-8:30p
Doors open at 6pm - Admission $7
ATOA (Artists Talk on Art) takes places at
NY Law, 185 West Broadway at Leonard Street, NYC

"Artists Talk on Art" Critical Dialogues in the Visual Arts presents a forum on international artist residencies. The forum will offer the audience an overview of the artist residency field, introduce the audience to several international residency programs, and present the experiences of several artists who have participated in residencies outside the U.S.

Moderator: Hunter O'Hanian, Director of the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay & Lesbian Art & Board member of the Alliance of Artists Communities.

This panel funded in part by the
Consulate General of Switzerland in New York.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fountain Art Fair at the Armory- New York 2013

For the second year in a row, the Artist Collective: Donna Dodson, Andy Moerlein and Stephan Fowlkes. will be exhibiting new works of art at Fountain Art Fair in Booth D-106, Friday March 8th at 5p-Sunday March 10th at 5pm in the 69th Regiment Armory, 68 Lexington Ave at 25th St.Opening Reception: Friday March 8th 7p-12am. For more information and to purchase tickets visit,

Donna Dodson
 This year, ARTIST COLLECTIVE will be presenting the sculptural and wall works of Donna Dodson, Stephan Fowlkes and Andy Moerlein.  These three artists use Nature both as inspiration and as material–particularly wood–in their work, with three very different approaches and outcomes.  With works ranging from figurative to geometric to ethereal, there is something for everyone  at the ARTIST COLLECTIVE.

Andy Moerlein
Fountain Art Fair was founded in 2006 by David Kesting, Lincoln Capla, and John Leo as an attempt to leverage support for smaller independent galleries, collectives and artists who wished to gain access to a larger audience of collectors and critics. From its roots deep within the independent Williamsburg, Brooklyn art scene, Fountain has grown to represent over 60 international avant garde galleries and projects, showcasing progressive primary-market works in New York, Miami, Chicago and Los Angeles.

Fountain Art Fair has received critical acclaim for its uniquely alternative art fair model and genuine dedication to the artists and galleries who share in its vision and ideology. Celebrated as the first of a new influential generation of alternative fairs, Fountain is reinterpreting the concept of the art fair experience and paving a new path for the future of contemporary art.

When Marcel Duchamp arrived in New York for the first time to exhibit his work at the original 1913 Armory Show at the 69th Regiment Armory, he left a lasting legacy that challenged people’s preconceived notions of what art can be. One hundred years later, Fountain Art Fair is challenging people’s preconceived notions of what an art fair can be. Based primarily in Miami and New York City, Fountain bridges the gap between art and contemporaries delivered to America all those years ago.

Like Duchamp, and his famous ready made Fountain, Fountain Art Fair is the foundation upon which a whole generation of working artists and galleries are able to engage the global art market on their own terms. As a family, Fountain comes together to define an accessible alternative vision for the future of contemporary art. [From the website,]

Stephan Fowlkes