Sunday, May 16, 2010

White Elephant

BIG ART and small art
Correlated exhibitions of large-scale and small-scale sculpture on the front lawn of the Emerson Umbrella and in the Emerson Umbrella Gallery. Outdoor exhibition includes works by Michio Ihara, Dmitri Hadzi, Tomas Bernsten, Murray Dewart, Donna Dodson, Joe Montroy, Ethel Poindexter, Tim Rowan, Stacy Latt Savage, Carolyn Wirth and Bret Woodward. Indoor exhibition includes sculpture and sculptors’ maquettes, photographs, paintings and drawing. Opening Reception Thursday, May 20 from 6 to 8 pm. BIG ART will be on view May 15th through November 1st, 2010. small art May 15th through June 7.

The Gallery hours are:
Monday-Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday: 1 pm- 5 pm
Emerson Umbrella Center for the Arts
40 Stow Street
Concord, MA 01742

Update: 'Sculpture in the Grass: Emerson Umbrella Lawn Seeded with Large Works of Art' was reviewed
By Betsy Levinson on May 20, 2010 in the Concord Patch.

White Elephant

The Elephant is force enough in time to carry on.
No species was canny enough, voracious enough, audacious enough to assist her from existence.

Out of pleasure she’s fashioned immortal.
There she’s learning the value of play.
There she leaps up in forever joy
and thumps down, a calf, once again, on the clay.

The White Elephant has evolved tangible hope
and emanates its blessing.
Pitched at the point where existence was dawning
she guides into Passion the bored, yet still seeking.

Extinction would make her more interesting to many
but she’s not going to do that to us,
for her memory of origins discloses
that what we want to discover rose up out of dust.

A poem by Charlanne Kallay
In artistic collaboration
With sculptures by Donna Dodson

White Elephant, 8 ft tall, styrofoam & cement, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Panda Bear

Studios Without Walls 2010: May 1st- June 13th, Temporary Sculpture along the Muddy River. Closing reception, Sunday June 13th, 1-5pm. Donna Dodson, Panda Bear, cement, styrofoam, paint.

The Panda Bear will travel to the Mill Brook Gallery, Concord, NH May 30th-October 17th for "The 13th Annual Invitational Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit." Sunday, May 30th 2-4pm: "Opening Celebration" For more information visit

Poem by Charlanne Kallay:

Panda Bear

There’s been a seizure between her ears
excavating a fossil word

Gloves of influence
cuff her instinct.
Her heart opens.

Excitation swells
as if her soul
is pushing out her skin.

She’s luminous.

Update: The Panda Bear was reviewed on Thats Boston as 'The most striking piece of the exhibit,'